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“Live Above The Clouds” Auction Draws High Society to British Library

January 29, 2024 ·

High society turned out for the Peak B Auction event at the British Library last October, in the hope of winning one of the few available properties on the land mass hovering over the English Channel. The event also featured representatives from Her Majesty’s  Office of the Commissioners of Patents who were busy registering inventions to help solve the sanitation problems faced by the floating abodes. Music on the night was provided by Professor Elemental, Bhangra Dance London, and Ziazan… Read more.

Kendal Rocked By Angels…

October 15, 1910 ·

Angel Corps at the War Memorial Angel Corps "Squadron 108" came to town with a bang on Saturday, reaching out to locals and lightening up a grey rainy day. Rank and file of the squadron's advance party took to the streets in a charm offensive which culminated in a late night parade starting at the War Memorial. The troupe were joined by several members of the Suffragette Movement campaigning for women's right to vote, and representatives from… Read more.

Kendal Prepares For The Weekend Parade

October 9, 1910 ·

Banners are up, shop windows festooned with posters, bunting criss-crosses the high street, and expectation level is at an all time high, as Kendal prepares for a Homecoming Parade that seems to have split the small town community down the middle. It is just a few days before Her Majesty's all-female airship squadron take ownership of the their new headquarters, by marching through the streets of Kendal. Angel Corps is coming to town, and they will be on a charm… Read more.

There’s An Angel In All Of Us

October 1, 1910 ·

Many people far and wide have come upon the Angel Corps’ name, even if they have not had the good fortune of meeting these ferocious, yet feminine, soldiers. Their morals are very controversial and have sparked uproar with townspeople up and down Great Britain. Due to their extremely busy schedule as being Her Majesty’s finest, we have been able to source our first exclusive adventure story from none other than Angel Corps squadron leader, Captain Sandy Mae. "I come from… Read more.


September 29, 1910 ·

Residents of Kendal have reported hearing a low continuous hum between 6-9pm every night. Local butcher Samuel O’Flynn says the noise, which he hears while closing for the day, could “clearly be the works of those new Clockworks”, however the disturbance is said to continue at different locations through the night. Another local - Georgia Smith,  believes it could be a homing signal for Angel Corps Squadron who are currently setting up their new base in Kendal, but their  liaison… Read more.

Angel Corps To Arrive At New Kendal Base

August 1, 1910 ·

Her Majesty's Angel Corps Squadron are returning to the Kendal airship base after travelling around the world on a mission to protect the world-famous Hodgson’s Indian Pale Ale from dastardly sky pirates. The popular IPA recipe was said to have been changed by one of the factory’s automatons, who fell into a bath of the alcohol and was said to have ‘started thinking’ after he was fixed. While the automaton apparently altered the brew without the awareness of its manager,… Read more.

Tinku Ranbir In Despair At Being In London

August 5, 1907 ·

When guests were invited to the Queen’s House for a Summer Fete in August, many didn’t realise they were going to get a firsthand insight into the personal, and what seems tragic, world of the Ranbir Family, who are current residents in the Royal House. The Ranbir's arrived in the country several years ago, at the request of the Queen. Chan Ranbir, a kinetic engineer at Calcutta University, and heralded as the man who put "Great back into Great Briain", developed… Read more.

Queen’s House Hosts Summer Fete

November 13, 1906 ·

On August 3rd, the Queen’s House presented a Summer fete at Her Majesty’s Greenwich residence. The event was part of an exhibition to showcase many of the inventions created to win the Longitude Prize. Guests were welcomed to the house by two current residents, Lady Frobisher Pilbeam - Queen’s Emissary to Science, and Tinku Ranbir - wife of Chan Ranbir, Head of Special Projects at the Dept for the Advancement of Sciences. Inventors showcasing their work, and competing for the… Read more.

Mrs Ranbir Goes To Work

October 28, 1906 ·

A government department is to send the wife of the esteemed scientist Chan Ranbir on a nationwide tour to extoll the virtues and benefits of owning a Clockwork Servant. Tinku Ranbir, who has kept a low profile since she arrived in the country from India almost two decades ago, is to be the human face that promotes Clockwork use around the United Kingdom. This non-political appointment is already drawing criticism from groups such as the Machine Liberation Front, who say… Read more.

Missing Girl is Viscount’s Daughter

October 25, 1906 ·

The mother and young daughter missing from a country estate in Buckinghamshire, are believed to be the ex-lover and daughter of Viscount Adderley. The police want to question the peer about the disappearance, but his whereabouts are unknown, and his family believe he may have left the country. The police also confirmed that the Viscount is a main suspect in the investigation, and that they are looking closely at his movements on the run up to the pairs disappearance. Read more.

Angels To The Rescue

October 20, 1906 ·

A detachment of Her Majesty's Angel Corps, is on its way to Asia to protect vessels travelling along the trade routes, after several ships were hijacked by pirates operating in the area. The all female regiment is believed to have sent some of its finest officers to the region, in the hope that they will not only secure safe passage for other ships, but also win back goods and vessels seized by the pirates. A spokesperson for the regiment said… Read more.

Clocks Demand Holiday!

October 16, 1906 ·

Clockwork Servants deserve a 'day of rest', according to the Machine Liberation Front, a group claiming to represent the interests of all domestic automota. They've issued a notice to the government asking to have one free day every week enshrined in law, so that Clockworks can tend to their own repairs, and learn more about civil rights. The group's leader, Herakles, is planning a rally in London on Sunday August 18th, where he plans to launch a Clockwork Work Manifesto.… Read more.

Hodgson’s Beer Shipment Hijacked

October 12, 1906 ·

Pirates have hijacked several shipments of Hodgson's "Indian Pale Ale" en route to Asia. It is not known where the incident took place, nor whether it was by sky or sea piracy. The drink, favoured by expatriates and locals around the world, is one of the few exports bringing much needed revenues to the Chancellor of Exchequer. John Dwyer, an expert on piracy, suggested that the popularity of Hodgson's brew may be the reason for the hijack, "The beer is… Read more.

What To Do With All The Clocks

October 8, 1906 ·

Several years since the introduction of Clockwork domestic labour the government has yet to come up with a convincing solution as to how it plans to manage what some now believe is a problem of epidemic proportions. 'Clocks' now roam the streets aimlessly, with many being illegally 'jailbroken' from their original safety programming, while irrepairable units piled high in junkyards across the country. The emergence of a group called the Machine Liberation Front calling for Clock civil rights has pitched… Read more.

Clink Tock: Police Issue First Clockwork Arrest Warrant

October 3, 1906 ·

The police have issued arrest warrants for the prime suspects in the murder of a man last month at The Den, in London's East End. The suspects have been named as Mei Mei, and Ming Cho, both Clocks working at the establishment, and belonging to its proprietor Christopher Hargreaves. This is the first arrest of its kind, and police are appealing to members of the public for assistance in apprehending the suspects who have no fixed address, or paperwork. The… Read more.

Jailbroken Clockworks Drown Man

September 21, 1906 ·

Life in the East End's "Clockwork Underworld" took a deadly turn over the weekend, when two jailbroken Clockwork Servants jumped into the River Thames and dragged a man to his death. The man simply known as Zach, was a 22 year old employee at The Den, the notorious establishment owned by Christopher Hargreaves and Ella Mayhem. Several eye witnesses claim to have tried to prevent the incident, but were overpowered by the Clocks. The culprits, Mei Mei, and Ming Cho… Read more.

Illegality Thrives In Clockwork Underworld

August 7, 1906 ·

llegality thrives in what has been named the "Clockwork Underworld" - one of the No-Go zones in London's East End, according to a special investigation by the London Gazette. In one area, an unlicensed establishment called The Den dedicates itself to providing services deemed  'alternative and different'. The venue, owned by a known local criminal - Christopher Hargreaves, and one Ella Mayhem, serves up illicit cocktails with Absinthe, while people are entertained by bands and burlesque performers. Some establishments are… Read more.

Trade Delegation Turns Ale To Gold in India

August 1, 1906 ·

The unlikely hero of the government's trade delegation to Asia is a small company that produces a British  Ale highly popular in tropics. The drink is made by the Hodgson's Brewery in London. The popularity of the drink has led to it being nicknamed Indian Pale Ale, because of its pale appearance, and the fact that it was brewed for export to India. It is hoped that the drink will boost trade between our two countries, as well as bring good fortune… Read more.

Police Question Peer Over Missing Grandchild

July 23, 1906 ·

Police are questioning a seventy five year old man, over the disappearance of a young girl and her mother. The pair went missing a week ago from a family estate in Beaconsfield, Bucks, and detectives are treating their disappearance as a missing person inquiry. The man is believed to be a member of the House of Lords, and the child his grand daughter. Read more.

New Laws To Control Clockworks

June 1, 1906 ·

The government has won a battle to introduce new laws controlling the use of Clockwork labour. It comes after Ministers finally admitted that there's no record of how many of the devices have been imported and are working in factories across the country. Parliament was split over plans to reinstate the British Clockwork Project abandoned years ago following strikes by trade unions, or to take control of a British-owned, Canadian company producing the devices. Jobs Lost To Clocks Public protest… Read more.

Trade Delegation Heads to India

May 24, 1906 ·

A delegation of industrialists is heading to India on a big trade mission that some believe will help kick start the British economy. It will be the largest business delegation that this country has ever taken abroad. Many of the industrialists joining the trip were cautiously optimistic, saying they were starting from a pretty low base, as other European countries such as Belgium trade more with India than we do. It is hoped that India will open its markets up… Read more.

Vigilanteism Isn’t Helping

April 23, 1906 ·

The government has appealed to the British public, not to interfere with police investigations and to let the authorities deal with acts of lawlessness, after officers came under attack by vigilante's trying to enforce the curfew in parts of East London. A spokesperson for the police denounced recent spates of vigilanteism and warned that anyone caught would face full force of the law. "They were people using the current state of unrest as an excuse to carry out active disorder… Read more.

Exiled Govt Scientist Found In Canada

April 12, 1906 ·

The British Government is developing an air purifcation system, according to exiled scientist, Saccadeus Cartwright. In a recorded address to a Canadian audience, he suggests that work on the Clockwork Project has continued with the Canadian government blessing. Seccadius and other scientists working at the Department for the Advancement of Sciences disappeared several years ago, following a row over the creation of Clockwork Servants and job security. He also refers to an electronic telegraph survey in which he's answers questions about… Read more.

Overheard in a London Pub

April 2, 1906 ·

Where lie the hearts of the common men of London, and why do they turn so readily to crime and to violence?  To those privileged to serve Her Majesty, or of sufficient means to elevate their homes and families into the untainted upper sky, that question seems impenetrable. This reporter took a trek to the Fog-drenched pubs of the working class, seeking answers - for when the wine flows and a man is among friends, his heart opens and the… Read more.

Science and Industry In Clean Air Talks

March 22, 1906 ·

Government Scientists have held a series of emergency meetings with British Industrialists, in a bid to solve the current pollution problem. It is hoped that a solution will be found to help 'clear the air' of the yellow fog that has now spread across the whole country. Industrialists have pledged to use the special dispensation granted to travel during the curfew to test alternative fuels and find ways of cutting pollution levels. A spokesman for the Department for the Advancement… Read more.

Govt Imposes Night Curfew

March 12, 1906 ·

The government has announced a nationwide curfew starting tonight from 6pm to 8am. The news comes after the police lost authority and control of almost every city, with the latest outbreak of mayhem extending to attacks on docked airships around the country. In north, south, east and west, thousands of police officers dedicated to regaining control of the streets struggled to do so and faced attacks from the public. Her Majesty's government has rushed through parliament new legislation allowing the… Read more.

Letter from the Editor

January 18, 1906 ·

It has been years since the onset of the Dark Winter, and Victorian society is finally getting to grips with living in smoke. A lifetime of burning fuels to power the big mechanical machines, coupled with diverse weather conditions created a deadly pea-souper that plunged the world into darkness. The British resolve has crumbled, ironically not through invasion, war or starvation, but by the yellow sickly smelling fog that has choked life out of 250,000 people, and closed down industry.… Read more.

Fog Shuts Britain Down

December 28, 1885 ·

A nationwide shutdown was declared last night as the government tried to stem the number of deaths and rise in the people contracting respiratory conditions brought on by the 'pea-souper' fog covering the country. More than 3000 people are reported to have died from lung failure, hospitals are turning new patients away, and the accident and emergency services are grounded by the fog. In some places visibility is down to a few metres. Doctors claim that most of the deaths… Read more.

New By-Law Makes Fog Signals Compulsory in London

December 24, 1885 ·

Under London's new Conservancy By-laws relating to every steam vessel, when the steam is up, and vessel is under way, shall in all cases of fog use as a signal a steam whistle, which shall be sounded at least every three minutes. (a) Airships when under way shall in like manner use a fog horn. (b) When at anchor all vessels shall in like manner use a bell. The penalty for breach of these by-laws is a sum not exceeding… Read more.

Chan Ranbir: “There’s Nothing To Fear!”

December 11, 1885 ·

Development of  the Clockwork Project will now move at a slower pace, according to Chan Ranbir, Head of Development, at the Department for the Advancement of Sciences. This was his first appearance since the government department closed its London offices after a dispute with trade unions over job security. When asked what the future holds for his dream of a 'Clockwork World', he said "We must win the hearts of the public, there's nothing to fear. Our Clockworks will change… Read more.

Govt Scientists Probe Occult and Time Travel

November 30, 1885 ·

What is the real remit of the Department for the Advancement of Sciences? New revelations leaked in documents sent to the London Gazette by a reader called "Caelen" suggest scientists have pursued occultist pseudosciences, including time travel, and carried out their experiments on human subjects. Church of England leaders have now called on the government to 'come clean' on the clandestine activities of the discredited department. Although unconfirmed, a series of blurry photographs show mathematical calculations and formulae that seem to… Read more.

Govt Science Dept Has “Lost The Clock”

September 30, 1885 ·

Department for the Advancement of Sciences has issued a statement about the disappearance of a secret Clockwork prototype. "We can confirm that one of our devices is missing. It was moved from our offices in London, loaded on to a vehicle, taking it to be destroyed. The device is part of an unsuccessful experiment from the early days of the Clockwork Project, it poses no threat to the public, or security of the nation." The department would not confirm whether… Read more.

Top Secret Clockwork Device Missing

September 25, 1885 ·

A top secret Clockwork prototype is missing from a shipment of scientific devices cleared out of government offices, last week. The device, one of two almost complete prototypes, is in a box labelled "Chamberlain BCV6 - Liverpool". Only last week a member of the Angel Corps prevented a similar theft from the same office. It is not known whether the device has been stolen or just misplaced, but sources claim it's "a vital component, and that its whereabouts were currently unknown".… Read more.

Angel Falls from Sky to Thwart Dept Robbery

September 20, 1885 ·

Angel Corps recruit Sarah Bittern, 19, unmarried, leapt from a damaged airship last night in an heroic effort to capture a robber fleeing the former offices of the Department for the Advancement of Sciences. Ms. Bittern, who was patrolling the area aboard the HMD Desiderata, continued to chase the man first via motor glider and then on foot, after the Desiderata ploughed into an unlicensed wireless tower.  The ship's captain, Ms. Hildebrandt Beam, 41, widowed, was injured in the resulting… Read more.

Newsflash: Talks To End Strike Begin

August 9, 1885 ·

Talks to end the dispute over job security for workers at the Department for the Advancement of Sciences have started. Representatives from the Union for the Casual Labourer  met Government officials last night, in a move to end the two week long industrial action. A joint statement released stated that both sides recognise there will be  "very tough" industrial and economic challenges  in the coming years. The statement said that all sides accept there will be no further development of… Read more.

Unions Win Time In Fight For Jobs

August 7, 1885 ·

The Clockwork Project has been shelved until an agreement can be reached to end the current industrial dispute over job security, according to an announcement by the Department for the Advancement of Sciences. Sources at the department claim the move was initiated by Head of Development, Chan Ranbir, at the request of Saccadius Cartwright, one of the Scientists harangued by Trade Unionists at the Latitude Festival last month. The announcement states that "Work on all Clockwork automata has now ceased,… Read more.

Chaos at Science Show!

July 20, 1885 ·

Attempts by Her Majesty's Department for the Advancement of Sciences to stage a roadshow showcasing its work on the Clockwork Project were thwarted by a Trade Unionis demonstration at the Latitude Festival, last week. Members of the Union for the Casual Labourer, supported by Jack Ludd, Editor of The Spanner, travelled to Suffolk to protest in front of the Science roadshow. During the course of the day, the picketing unionists coerced members of the public into spying on the beleaguered… Read more.

Trade Unionists Take Fight For Jobs To Latitude Festival

July 15, 1885 ·

Demonstration gets support from Occupy Latitude   Jack Ludd, Trade Union Journalist addresses rally   Crowds at rally, listening to Trade Unionists   Extra! Extra!!! We will be publishing a special report on the strike and the new Department for the Advancement of Sciences Roadshow. Read more.

“Dropped Like A Stone” – The Spanner Responds

May 19, 1885 ·

I'm sure I don't need to remind you all that our strength comes through unity. We look after our own. When you ask the authorities for help or you offer them assistance remember that they are not your friends. They don't have your best interests to heart. They are possessed by the Law, by the spirit of "The good", they won't see you they will see a subject to be catalogued, recorded and filed away under "suspect". As you will… Read more.

Govt And Union To Talk About Clockwork Jobs

May 15, 1885 ·

Officials from Her Majesty's Government will hold talks with trade unions representing workers at the Department for the Advancement of Sciences to discuss concerns over job security. The talks are to explore ways of averting strike action at several facilities currently working on the controversial Clockwork Project, and union demands for the restriction of  automated labour in the UK workplace. Adam - Saviour or Sinner? The Government is hopeful the development of automata will brighten the country's economic prospects and… Read more.

Govt Office Theft – Ambinium Stolen

May 10, 1885 ·

A Police investigation is underway after thieves broke into a Government research building on Saturday night, and stole what sources claim to be a "huge quantity" of the mineral Ambinium. It is thought that the theft may be in relation to the current industrial dispute over the development of the Clockwork project at the Department for the Advancement of Sciences. The thieves are thought to have carried out several experiments in the laboratory before moving the substance. The incident happened… Read more.

Royal Jubilee Special Report

April 30, 1885 ·

Queen Victoria's Royal Jubilee got off to a flying start yesterday with a 5-hour long sky pageant featuring airships from all around the world, with millions ignoring the wet british weather to have a right royal knees-up on the street. The London sky was turned black, as hundreds of dirigibles floated along the River Thames, each blotting out daylight in scenes reminiscent of last week's total eclipse. Her Majesty was joined by other members of the royal family, and 20,000… Read more.

Royal Jubilee Special

London Gazette is proud to announce that our next issue will be a Royal Jubilee Special to celebrate Her Majesty Queen Victoria's 62nd year on the throne. If you have any stories, photographs or would like to write an article to commemorate this grand occasion kindly get in touch with the London Gazette. Read more.

Is Science The New Occult?

April 10, 1885 ·

Science is a form of the occult, and part of an agenda to cull humanity in favour of a lifeless "eternal workforce" of robots, according to a new report published by a former scientist. The reports author, Dr Flay, believes that scientists are part of a "white coat priesthood" supported by industrialists, the government and the monarchy. In a strongly worded and self published document, Dr Flay claims that the development of "Artificial Adam" is part of a conspiracy to… Read more.

The Alchemist – Wanted By Police

April 3, 1885 ·

Police have issued a warrant for the arrest of the criminal know as The Alchemist, in relation to the theft of Government property from the Tomorrow's World... Today! event in London. It is thought the person may have had the help of several accomplices, and the Police would like anyone with information to contact them through a special investigation team at the Department for the Advancement of Sciences. Read more.

EXCLUSIVE: Secret Film Of Science Expo

March 21, 1885 ·

London Gazette has been handed a secret film, showing some of the happening at the Tomorrow's World... Today science event. The footage is grainy, but you can clearly see mechanical items on display. Read more.

Indian Scientist To Help Clockwork Project

March 20, 1885 ·

Tomorrow's World… Today! the controversial science expo held in London this month, has attracted the support of an esteemed Indian Scientist who will be helping to develop the project. Chan Ranbir, Head Scientist at the Calcutta University is on a visit to London with his family, and has been in talks with the Department for the Advancement of Sciences. He has worked in the field of Clockwork Mechanics for several years, and believes he can "breathe some life" into the… Read more.

The Clock Issue: Lady Frobisher Pilbeam Explains

March 9, 1885 ·

  LADY FROBISHER PILBEAM EMISSARY TO HER MAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIA Her Majesty's Emissary to Science the Honorable Lady Forbisher Pilbeam, was at the Tomorrow's World… Today! event in London, where she held court with people concerned about recent developments at the Department for the Advancement of Sciences. Reporter: What problems do you foresee with the work  being carried out by the government scientists? Lady Frobisher Pilbeam: I am in favour of the clockwork automaton, but only… Read more.


March 5, 1885 ·

Tension is mounting as the date draws ever nearer to May the 6th when, at a grand exhibition in the nation's capital, the Department for the Advancement of Sciences will be unveiling a 'mechanical man'. Will this artificial ’Adam’ delight and astound the crowds, or will this modern-day Pinocchio prove nothing more than a puppet of clockwork and steel? Opinion is divided, with some Factions calling the news a blasphemy; others claiming it is nothing more than a natural evolution,… Read more.


March 3, 1885 ·

Scientists at a government department have denied claims that they are "playing God" by carrying out research into the feasibility of creating a "fully functioning, self aware" automaton. The Department for the Advancement of Sciences issued a statement last night saying that its work will benefit society as a whole, and likened the criticism to the dark days of misinformation based on ignorance. The source said the direction of the work carried out by the scientists will be central to… Read more.


February 27, 1885 ·

  London and the civilised world was in uproar today as news was leaked that - if true - shakes the foundations of everything that we currently understand to be true. For some time now, the Government's Department for the Advancement of Sciences has been working with engineers and scientists to develop the cutting edge of new medical devices - clockwork limbs, artificial lungs and other more strange and experimental devices - many of which have proved to have been… Read more.