March 3, 1885 ·

Scientists at a government department have denied claims that they are “playing God” by carrying out research into the feasibility of creating a “fully functioning, self aware” automaton.

The Department for the Advancement of Sciences issued a statement last night saying that its work will benefit society as a whole, and likened the criticism to the dark days of misinformation based on ignorance.

The source said the direction of the work carried out by the scientists will be central to the showcase presented at Tomorrow’s World Today Expo on May 6th.


While some campaigners take issue with the government over what they call the ‘unwise employment of technology’, others claim that attempts to stop people inventing things at home smacks of double standards.

Many believe that if last weeks leak is true, the evolution of mankind is about to move to the next phase, and it is something many fear could lead to civil unrest on a global scale.

The current economic conditions have led to a thriving cottage industry with home inventors, producing a plethora of devices, some domestic and others quite dangerous. Health and safety campaigners believe is behind the recent crackdown on salvage yards selling decommissioned ordinance.

A spokesman for the Church of England said the choice of venue itself was ‘an indication of the path that science has chosen to take society.’

In category:Main News
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