“Dropped Like A Stone” – The Spanner Responds

May 19, 1885 ·

I’m sure I don’t need to remind you all that our strength comes through unity. We look after our own. When you ask the authorities for help or you offer them assistance remember that they are not your friends. They don’t have your best interests to heart. They are possessed by the Law, by the spirit of “The good”, they won’t see you they will see a subject to be catalogued, recorded and filed away under “suspect”.

As you will have probably heard a quantity of Ambi rocks that were originally stolen from India by industrialist thieves and red-tape charlatans is no longer in their possession. They are up in arms that others had the temerity and the might to do as they do; seizing the Ambi rocks to further their own ends.

The industrialists cry “But we are not thieves. The Law has decreed what is ours”. To which we at The Spanner reply “The world is a common treasury for all; you and your laws have stolen it from us. We did not give you the world, you stole it. So, what do we care that what wasn’t yours has been taken from you?”

Remember, Careless Chatter leads to the clatter of policemens boots on the stair.

Remember who your friends are.

Jack Ludd – The Spanner

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