March 5, 1885 ·

Tension is mounting as the date draws ever nearer to May the 6th when, at a grand exhibition in the nation’s capital, the Department for the Advancement of Sciences will be unveiling a ‘mechanical man’.

Will this artificial ’Adam’ delight and astound the crowds, or will this modern-day Pinocchio prove nothing more than a puppet of clockwork and steel?

Opinion is divided, with some Factions calling the news a blasphemy; others claiming it is nothing more than a natural evolution, but many believing this row merely overshadows what could bring a reversal of fortune for our beleaguered industry.

Interest from other countries is said to be strong, and it is already rumoured that representatives from China, the United States of America and India are coming to watch the show.

Is this a step too far?  Are we putting Science above the Sacred?

It’s too early to tell, but one thing is for sure: The London Gazette will be there to bring you all the news.

In category:Main News
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