September 29, 1910 ·

Residents of Kendal have reported hearing a low continuous hum between 6-9pm every night.

Local butcher Samuel O’Flynn says the noise, which he hears while closing for the day, could “clearly be the works of those new Clockworks”, however the disturbance is said to continue at different locations through the night.

Another local – Georgia Smith,  believes it could be a homing signal for Angel Corps Squadron who are currently setting up their new base in Kendal, but their  liaison office refused to comment.

One other suggestion is that the noise is connected to the outlawed Machine Liberation Front’s attempt to ‘jail break’ or free local Clockwork Servants, and their attempts to host a secret gathering in Kendal over the coming weeks.  If that is the case, it means illegal Clockwork activity to recruit new members has finally reached the Lake District.

The Cumbria and Westmorland Constabulary are conducting an investigation into the disturbance to ascertain what is making the noise, and whether it poses a threat to the people of Kendal.

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