Union For The Casual Labourer Publishes Manifesto

June 1, 1885 ·

In category:Main News
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Readers Letter: Dismayed by the hostility

Ladies and Gentlemen, I must admit I find myself perplexed and indeed somewhat dismayed by the show of hostility that the scientific community appears to have engendered with its latest advance. Change is coming... The creation of a tireless labourer…
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Reader's Letter: Greatest City in The World On Its Knees

Oi Up Broms, I've just gotten the letter you've sent in response to mine. Glad to hear that you and the boys are still breathin'. My beloved Annie's well also, thanks for askin', though her mum's beginnin' to show a…
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Jack Ludd, Trade Unionist, Speaks Out

Friends, Events of the last few days have moved at such speed that I am having trouble keeping up with 'em. I am in transit at present so this note will appraise you of the situation but not much of…
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Lady Lark Skyfried: Many Die In Conflagration

Yesterday, at shortly after 9-o-clock in the morning, Her Majesty’s Skyship Lady Lark was the victim of that which all aeronauts dread – skyfire. The blaze is thought to have begun in the lower stern of the vessel, where the…
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A Word of Caution to the Peoples of London

To the Citizenry of London, Laborers, industrialists, aesthetics, royalists, theologists; you need not look far to see that the struggle between these differing worldviews has disturbed many lives. Indeed, the distrust between us still simmers, even as a demon-fog threatens…