Govt Office Theft – Ambinium Stolen

May 10, 1885 ·

A Police investigation is underway after thieves broke into a Government research building on Saturday night, and stole what sources claim to be a “huge quantity” of the mineral Ambinium.

It is thought that the theft may be in relation to the current industrial dispute over the development of the Clockwork project at the Department for the Advancement of Sciences.

The thieves are thought to have carried out several experiments in the laboratory before moving the substance. The incident happened some time between 18:00 on Saturday evening and 03:00 on Sunday morning at the Mayfair research centre, in London.

Rock Powers Clocks

Ambinium, a controlled substance used in the aviation industry, is thought to be a vital component in creating a self-sustaining way to power Clocks.

The department is at the centre of a row with trade unions, over the impact the Clockwork Project will have on the workforce. Undisclosed sources claim that there have been several threatened walk-outs at the troubled research centre.

The police believe the substance was too large to move by land, which is why the thieves treated it with chemicals, and may have escaped by floating above ground. They are appealing to anyone who may have seen anything unusual on Sunday night to contact them.

Sky Pirates Suspected

Sources close to the investigation claim that the Police are talking to the Royal Flying Corps to find out if there has been any new Sky Pirate activity over the past few weeks.

A reward is being offered to anyone who can provide information that leads to the arrest of the culprits and recovery of the Ambinium. If the substance isn’t found, work at the research centre will almost most certainly grind to a halt.

Ambinium was first discovered in 1766, when traders from India introduced it to England. It led to the development of cities in the skies, and it was used to power large airships. It became a controlled substance in 1817, when the government closed a tax loophole exploited by the gambling industry to create casino’s in the sky.

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