Hodgson’s Beer Shipment Hijacked

October 12, 1906 ·

Pirates have hijacked several shipments of Hodgson’s “Indian Pale Ale” en route to Asia. It is not known where the incident took place, nor whether it was by sky or sea piracy.

The drink, favoured by expatriates and locals around the world, is one of the few exports bringing much needed revenues to the Chancellor of Exchequer.

John Dwyer, an expert on piracy, suggested that the popularity of Hodgson’s brew may be the reason for the hijack, “The beer is so popular around the world, people are using it as currency! In some places it is more sought after than money itself.”

A spokesperson for the government believes it won’t be hard to trackdown the culprits, claiming that “several ship loads of drink can’t simply vanish into thin air,” and has asked Asian authorities form a task force to protect trade routes throughout the region.

George Hodgson, owner of the brewery, said it was a sad day for industry, but assured customers that the incident would have very little effect on his delivery schedule.

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