News From Your Steampunk World
Local News

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Special Report: Recently, I had the privilege of interviewing select members of the Angel Corps. We spoke about many things; however, I found a certain recruit’s views about equality and reasoning for becoming part of the Angel Corps particularly interesting. She wishes to remain anonymous but here is what one of the Private's told us: “I originally had heard about Angel Corps through rumours in school. It was a very controversial topic at the time so teachers did not like… Read more.
Residents of Kendal have reported hearing a low continuous hum between 6-9pm every night. Local butcher Samuel O’Flynn says the noise, which he hears while closing for the day, could “clearly be the works of those new Clockworks”, however the disturbance is said to continue at different locations through the night. Another local - Georgia Smith, believes it could be a homing signal for Angel Corps Squadron who are currently setting up their new base in Kendal, but their liaison… Read more.
While the arrival of Angel Corps has been a common topic of discussion recently, the Gazette feels that one aspect of their arrival has not yet been touched upon: the opinion of the Police. In order to investigate, I was sent into Kendal to interview a few select members of the Police about Angel Corps to get a general feel for what their overall opinion is. Immediately upon entering the station, I could already feel some unease – noticing a… Read more.
Well, I for one am elated to hear the news that Her Majesty’s Angel Corps are returning to Kendal. A fine, upstanding squadron as ever I saw. Upon their last visit I was privy to a scene in the New Union Bar where they demonstrated their audacious and virtuous spirit. A poor serving girl was being harassed by some rather unscrupulous patrons, when the Angel Corps entered the establishment. Upon witnessing this behaviour, they did not hesitate to intervene, and… Read more.
Under London's new Conservancy By-laws relating to every steam vessel, when the steam is up, and vessel is under way, shall in all cases of fog use as a signal a steam whistle, which shall be sounded at least every three minutes. (a) Airships when under way shall in like manner use a fog horn. (b) When at anchor all vessels shall in like manner use a bell. The penalty for breach of these by-laws is a sum not exceeding… Read more.

A thick layer of fog that has covered most of South East of England for the past three weeks has now spread to the rest of the country. This morning, Edinburgh recorded its highest level of air pollutants, with pneumonia cases in Wales trebling. So far, 160 people have died and at least 500 have been admitted to hospital in the last 24 hours. The Ministry of Health expects the number to rise as the thick fog continues to affect… Read more.

A top secret Clockwork prototype is missing from a shipment of scientific devices cleared out of government offices, last week. The device, one of two almost complete prototypes, is in a box labelled "Chamberlain BCV6 - Liverpool". Only last week a member of the Angel Corps prevented a similar theft from the same office. It is not known whether the device has been stolen or just misplaced, but sources claim it's "a vital component, and that its whereabouts were currently unknown".… Read more.
New By-Law Makes Fog Signals Compulsory in London
Under London's new Conservancy By-laws relating to every steam vessel, when the steam is up, and vessel is under way, shall in all cases of fog use as a signal a steam whistle, which shall be sounded at least every three minutes. (a) Airships when under way shall in like manner use a fog horn. (b) When at anchor all vessels shall in like manner use a bell. The penalty for breach of these by-laws is a sum not exceeding… Read more.
Friends, Events of the last few days have moved at such speed that I am having trouble keeping up with 'em. I am in transit at present so this note will appraise you of the situation but not much of the detail I'm afraid. That will have to wait till we meet in person or devise a more secure postal system. Snatching me in the street is part of a larger plot against us. Whilst I lay in the gloom… Read more.
British society is about to "embark on a cusade of ungodliness and moral decline", according to Henry Tibble, General Secretary of the Union for the Casual Labourer. Here is an extract from an interview we conducted over the weekend. People now work in the knowledge that their jobs will never be safe if the dreaded Clockwork Project is successful. Going on strike is the only thing workers can do to protect their liveleyhood. The government is blinkered by dreaming of… Read more.
Yesterday, at shortly after 9-o-clock in the morning, Her Majesty’s Skyship Lady Lark was the victim of that which all aeronauts dread – skyfire. The blaze is thought to have begun in the lower stern of the vessel, where the laundry closets are housed, quickly growing in size and overtaking the entire ship. Within moments, the gasbags had caught and the Ambinium storage canisters burned freely, leaving the HMS Lady Lark to plummet approximately 8000ft in to the Oxfordshire countryside.… Read more.
What Time Is Now?
And in late breaking news, this paper has learnt that the "Tomorrow's World... Today" exhibition is to also play host to the old as well as the new. A group of archaeologists have discovered a bizarre, ornamental clock, said to be of unknown age and origin. The timepiece, which has four faces and rides an enormous pole, was found in the Forest of Dean. Is it a relic from a bygone age? Find out when they unveil the clock on… Read more.