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October 13, 1911 ·

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Turmoil at High Flying Estate Agency

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Kendal Rocked By Angels...

Angel Corps at the War Memorial Angel Corps "Squadron 108" came to town with a bang on Saturday, reaching out to locals and lightening up a grey rainy day. Rank and file of the squadron's advance party took to the streets…
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Life in The Den: Business as Usual?

While on most given days I would be as inclined to trust that spiv, Hargreaves about as far as I could throw him; it does appear he has a rather apt imagination well suited to the world of hospitality and…
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Royal Jubilee Special Report

Queen Victoria's Royal Jubilee got off to a flying start yesterday with a 5-hour long sky pageant featuring airships from all around the world, with millions ignoring the wet british weather to have a right royal knees-up on the street.…
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The Clock Issue: Lady Frobisher Pilbeam Explains

  LADY FROBISHER PILBEAM EMISSARY TO HER MAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIA Her Majesty's Emissary to Science the Honorable Lady Forbisher Pilbeam, was at the Tomorrow's World… Today! event in London, where she held court with people concerned about recent developments at…
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Unions Win Time In Fight For Jobs

The Clockwork Project has been shelved until an agreement can be reached to end the current industrial dispute over job security, according to an announcement by the Department for the Advancement of Sciences. Sources at the department claim the move…