Reader’s Letter: Kendal’s Guardian Angels

September 18, 1910 ·

Well, I for one am elated to hear the news that Her Majesty’s Angel Corps are returning to Kendal. A fine, upstanding squadron as ever I saw.

Upon their last visit I was privy to a scene in the New Union Bar where they demonstrated their audacious and virtuous spirit. A poor serving girl was being harassed by some rather unscrupulous patrons, when the Angel Corps entered the establishment. Upon witnessing this behaviour, they did not hesitate to intervene, and put those ruffians in their place. In the ensuing fracas I was most impressed with how those fine ladies handled themselves.

Quite frankly, I think many men in this town could do with some such lesson, and I know a fair score of upstanding ladies who agree with this sentiment.

Angel Corps, we welcome you with open arms.

-Lady P

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