Henry Tibble: Government is Blinkered by Rich Pickings

July 10, 1885 ·

British society is about to “embark on a cusade of ungodliness and moral decline“, according to Henry Tibble, General Secretary of the Union for the Casual Labourer. Here is an extract from an interview we conducted over the weekend.

People now work in the knowledge that their jobs will never be safe if the dreaded Clockwork Project is successful.

Going on strike is the only thing workers can do to protect their liveleyhood. The government is blinkered by dreaming of the rich pickings on offer, if and when these soulless automatons replace human beings as labourers.

I am calling on workers of the world, be you a labourer, skilled scientist, religious person or domestic worker – support this strike, every job is threatened.

We are going to take the fight to the heart of government, we are appealing to the Church to take s stand on this ungodly technology – it must not be allowed to succeed! Industry has forsaken logic in the pursuit of wealth, we are a religious nation and must never forget people matter.

Our intention is to show Industrialists, and the Government that we are the machine that keeps the country going! Casual Labourers are the backbone of the workforce, without us the everything will grind to a halt.

Bring Country to its knees

We have no intention of bringing the country to its knees, but in the absence of any choice, we will do everything within our legal means to make our voices heard, and intentions clear.

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