Kendal Braced For Angel’s “Homecoming”

October 6, 1910 ·

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Kendal Prepares For The Weekend Parade

Banners are up, shop windows festooned with posters, bunting criss-crosses the high street, and expectation level is at an all time high, as Kendal prepares for a Homecoming Parade that seems to have split the small town community down the…
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Reader's Letter: Peace And Not Pieces

I was one of locals at the town hall meeting hosted by two mysterious men from Her Majesty's Airship Force, and have lived in this quiet little town all my life. Violence isn't a big issue here, the only time I've…
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Is Science The New Occult?

Science is a form of the occult, and part of an agenda to cull humanity in favour of a lifeless "eternal workforce" of robots, according to a new report published by a former scientist. The reports author, Dr Flay, believes…
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Special Report: Uneasy Clock Musings

The most perplexing turn of events concerns the overnight return of the Clockwork Project. I can envisage my peers clamoring to get their dirty mitts on these new Clocks this very moment. If reports are to believed, the new units…
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What Time Is Now?

And in late breaking news, this paper has learnt that the "Tomorrow's World... Today" exhibition is to also play host to the old as well as the new. A group of archaeologists have discovered a bizarre, ornamental  clock, said to…
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New By-Law Makes Fog Signals Compulsory in London

Under London's new Conservancy By-laws relating to every steam vessel, when the steam is up, and vessel is under way, shall in all cases of fog use as a signal a steam whistle, which shall be sounded at least every…