Letter From An Angel: The Singapore Sling

September 26, 1910 ·

Hello Gazette. I’m a member of Squadron 108 in Her Majesty’s Angel Corps, and our new airship base is Kendal Town. My squadron leader asked if I would write an article on a past experience of mine in the force to get the locals of Kendal excited for our imminent arrival.

While in Singapore a few years back, my mission was to be a personal bodyguard for a VIP while she attended the opening of the Raffles Hotel. Unfortunately her identity is classified, but I can still tell you the tale.

This lady had travelled with me by her side all the way from Great Britain to cut the ribbon on the opening ceremony of the hotel on December 1st. However, for this event, she was asked to be in Singapore a few weeks prior to the event. As you can imagine, being cooped up in a hotel in an amazing country like Singapore can be pretty dull. The lady wanted nothing more than to see the sights of Singapore, as I would too. So, I came up with a plan.

We decided that we could dress up a female Clockwork to look just like her, with one of her dresses and her jewellery, and plant the servant in her room. This meant that the lady could go out for the day and explore the wonderful sights of Singapore while all of the hotel workers and management thought she was spending the day in the garden.

Despite it being my personal idea, it was easily one of the riskiest missions I have ever completed. Luckily, no one noticed while we were there and the lady had a lovely day out. I think one of my squadron leaders may have an idea of what I did, but I lived to tell the tale.

– Member of Squadron 108

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