I was one of locals at the town hall meeting hosted by two mysterious men from Her Majesty's Airship Force, and have lived in this quiet little town all my life. Violence isn't a big issue here, the only time I've seen trouble is when the local men have had a bit too much to drink, other than that this is a peaceful part of the country. During the meeting we were informed that the all-female force will be arriving in… Read more.
News From Your Steampunk World
Local Happenings

Do you want to live on top of the world?

Special Report: Recently, I had the privilege of interviewing select members of the Angel Corps. We spoke about many things; however, I found a certain recruit’s views about equality and reasoning for becoming part of the Angel Corps particularly interesting. She wishes to remain anonymous but here is what one of the Private's told us: “I originally had heard about Angel Corps through rumours in school. It was a very controversial topic at the time so teachers did not like… Read more.
Residents of Kendal have reported hearing a low continuous hum between 6-9pm every night. Local butcher Samuel O’Flynn says the noise, which he hears while closing for the day, could “clearly be the works of those new Clockworks”, however the disturbance is said to continue at different locations through the night. Another local - Georgia Smith, believes it could be a homing signal for Angel Corps Squadron who are currently setting up their new base in Kendal, but their liaison… Read more.
The imminent arrival of Her Majesty's Angel Corps Squadron seems to have ruffled a few feathers in the Cumbrian town of Kendal. A letter leaked to the London Gazette suggests that a rich member of the community has begun talks to form an organisation to disrupt Angel Corps' arrival and if possible chase the squadron out of town. Fallen Angels. As the arrival of Angel Corps grows near, the town of Kendal prepares itself for the chaos that will ensue… Read more.
Hello Gazette. I'm a member of Squadron 108 in Her Majesty's Angel Corps, and our new airship base is Kendal Town. My squadron leader asked if I would write an article on a past experience of mine in the force to get the locals of Kendal excited for our imminent arrival. While in Singapore a few years back, my mission was to be a personal bodyguard for a VIP while she attended the opening of the Raffles Hotel. Unfortunately her… Read more.
Well, I for one am elated to hear the news that Her Majesty’s Angel Corps are returning to Kendal. A fine, upstanding squadron as ever I saw. Upon their last visit I was privy to a scene in the New Union Bar where they demonstrated their audacious and virtuous spirit. A poor serving girl was being harassed by some rather unscrupulous patrons, when the Angel Corps entered the establishment. Upon witnessing this behaviour, they did not hesitate to intervene, and… Read more.
The Machine Liberation Front (MLF), an organisation representing all Clockwork Servants has published a manifesto demanding equal rights for all automatons. The lengthy document calls for an end to "oppression and to end forever the murderous attacks, the slavery, the degradation, and humiliation". A Clock called Sebastian, who claims to speak for the organisation, says the MLF was responsible for an incident that happened at a venue called The Den in London, where a man was drowned, and another seriously… Read more.
The Police have widened their search for a missing mother and her young daughter, from a family estate in Buckinghamshire. They have started questioning members of the household, and would like to talk to a peers son, who is currently is out of the country on family business. It is believed he could be father of the missing child. Special teams have continued to search the 20-acre estate, in Beaconsfield, while a second team are at the family house talking… Read more.
Clockworks are here! A special investigation by this newspaper has unearthed disturbing news of the existence of at least one fully functional Clockwork automata here in London. The device is similar to the 'Artificial Adam' model designed by the Department for the Advancement of Sciences several years ago. It is not known how it got into the country or who it belongs to, but government sources claim it was not developed here. The automata was first spotted by someone during… Read more.
Government scientists have been accused of lying to the public over the the scope of the Clockwork Project by someone claiming to be in the possession of the lost Clockwork prototype. In a series of leaked documents sent to us by someone called Caelen, scientist Dr Henry Winchester expresses his concern over the loss of something called Badrium, the very same mineral troops were sent to protect in Kazakhstan in 1872. This led to the Saryn War, and the loss… Read more.

A top secret Clockwork prototype is missing from a shipment of scientific devices cleared out of government offices, last week. The device, one of two almost complete prototypes, is in a box labelled "Chamberlain BCV6 - Liverpool". Only last week a member of the Angel Corps prevented a similar theft from the same office. It is not known whether the device has been stolen or just misplaced, but sources claim it's "a vital component, and that its whereabouts were currently unknown".… Read more.
Angel Corps recruit Sarah Bittern, 19, unmarried, leapt from a damaged airship last night in an heroic effort to capture a robber fleeing the former offices of the Department for the Advancement of Sciences. Ms. Bittern, who was patrolling the area aboard the HMD Desiderata, continued to chase the man first via motor glider and then on foot, after the Desiderata ploughed into an unlicensed wireless tower. The ship's captain, Ms. Hildebrandt Beam, 41, widowed, was injured in the resulting… Read more.
Science Expo Takes The Road
In other news, the Department for the Advancement of Sciences has announced that the Tomorrow's World... Today! Expo will travel to various events around the country as part of a 'Science Show & Tell'. The first event will take place at the Latitude Festival in Suffolk on July 14th. Read more.
The Department for the Advancement of Sciences grand expo "Tomorrow's World… Today" kicked off with a bang on Monday, as anxious delegates waited to get a glimpse of what is being heralded as the first 'mechanical man'. Lady Frobisher Addresses Guests The crowd was a mix of Factions, each eager to see what the scientists had up their sleeve. While people waited for the show to begin, many tok advantage to shop at the art and… Read more.