Govt Science Dept Has “Lost The Clock”

September 30, 1885 ·

Department for the Advancement of Sciences has issued a statement about the disappearance of a secret Clockwork prototype.

“We can confirm that one of our devices is missing. It was moved from our offices in London, loaded on to a vehicle, taking it to be destroyed. The device is part of an unsuccessful experiment from the early days of the Clockwork Project, it poses no threat to the public, or security of the nation.”

The department would not confirm whether the device was stolen or is just missing, and refused to reveal the location of its two lead scientists, who are rumoured to be out of the country.

Mystery surrounds the future of the Clockwork Project after the government bowed to trade union demands and stopped further research and development.

It still unknown whether the activities of the department have actually stopped, or have been moved to a new location away from the prying eyes of the public.

The public are being asked to keep an eye out for a large container labelled “Chamberlain BCV6 – Liverpool”.

Information about the missing Clockwork device should be sent to  via electronic telegraph to: “informer – at – advancementofsciences – dot – com”

In category:Main News
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