
March 8, 1885 ·

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The Clock Issue: Lady Frobisher Pilbeam Explains

  LADY FROBISHER PILBEAM EMISSARY TO HER MAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIA Her Majesty's Emissary to Science the Honorable Lady Forbisher Pilbeam, was at the Tomorrow's World… Today! event in London, where she held court with people concerned about recent developments at…
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The Department for the Advancement of Sciences grand expo "Tomorrow's World… Today" kicked off with a bang on Monday, as anxious delegates waited to get a glimpse of what is being heralded as the first 'mechanical man'. Lady Frobisher Addresses…
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Queen's House Hosts Summer Fete

On August 3rd, the Queen’s House presented a Summer fete at Her Majesty’s Greenwich residence. The event was part of an exhibition to showcase many of the inventions created to win the Longitude Prize. Guests were welcomed to the house…
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Angel Corps To Arrive At New Kendal Base

Her Majesty's Angel Corps Squadron are returning to the Kendal airship base after travelling around the world on a mission to protect the world-famous Hodgson’s Indian Pale Ale from dastardly sky pirates. The popular IPA recipe was said to have…
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Reader's Letter: Clocks are more Smarter than first assumed

Mr Hardie, My warmest congratulations my, dear dear friend. Whispers on the breeze inform me that not only have you managed to dupe the world into believing you to have set your disreputable past behind you, but that the Royal…
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Reader's Letter: People Are Choking To Death!

To Me Old Mate Bromley, Proud as I am to be a working man, methinks now that we'd have been proper to have chosen a different life. This bleedin' fog coverin' the city has shut down all the work that…