Kendal Braced For Angel’s “Homecoming”

October 6, 1910 ·

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Kendal Prepares For The Weekend Parade

Banners are up, shop windows festooned with posters, bunting criss-crosses the high street, and expectation level is at an all time high, as Kendal prepares for a Homecoming Parade that seems to have split the small town community down the…
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Reader's Letter: Peace And Not Pieces

I was one of locals at the town hall meeting hosted by two mysterious men from Her Majesty's Airship Force, and have lived in this quiet little town all my life. Violence isn't a big issue here, the only time I've…
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Pollution Alert! Stay At Home or Wear A Mask

A thick layer of fog that has covered most of South East of England for the past three weeks has now spread to the rest of the country. This morning, Edinburgh recorded its highest level of air pollutants, with pneumonia…
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Govt Lying To Public Over Clock Project

Government scientists have been accused of lying to the public over the the scope of the Clockwork Project by someone claiming to be in the possession of the lost Clockwork prototype. In a series of leaked documents sent to us…
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Reader's Letter: Industry Moves To Save The Country

Ladies and Gentlemen, Firstly let me take the opportunity on behalf of myself and RM to thank all of you thus far your steadfastness, your creativity and your tenacity. You are all truly inspiring. Following the Government’s radical reaction to…
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Queen's House Hosts Summer Fete

On August 3rd, the Queen’s House presented a Summer fete at Her Majesty’s Greenwich residence. The event was part of an exhibition to showcase many of the inventions created to win the Longitude Prize. Guests were welcomed to the house…