Reader’s Letter: What A Splendid Night

October 15, 1910 ·

My Dear Sir

I am writing to express my sincere approval for the splendid display of the Angel Corps through Kendal this last weekend.

It brings pride to the heart of every true Englishman to see such a fine body of women, in all of their Amazonian prime, ready to defend this great nation of ours.

I was however rather concerned to hear that there were so-called clocks whispering sedition to passers-by. I do hope that our good constabulary will be able to investigate this and ensure it is not repeated. Honest citizens should be free to comport themselves through the fine town of Kendal without being incited to revolution.

Yours faithfully

Colonel Sir Edward Hopper-Phipson (retired)

Moustache House, Kendal

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