Reader’s Letter: Peace And Not Pieces

October 4, 1910 ·

I was one of locals at the town hall meeting hosted by two mysterious men from Her Majesty’s Airship Force, and have lived in this quiet little town all my life. Violence isn’t a big issue here, the only time I’ve seen trouble is when the local men have had a bit too much to drink, other than that this is a peaceful part of the country.

During the meeting we were informed that the all-female force will be arriving in Kendal imminently, at which point we asked about rumours that squadron members can be violent and unruly, going to extreme lengths to get what they want.

Unfortunately these issues were not addressed adequately – many left thinking this will be a bad thing for our small town. To be honest, if it was up to me I wouldn’t allow them anywhere near Kendal.

Angel Corps originally come from London, so for them Kendal will be a massive difference. We are a small farmer community and many locals will not have witnessed an influx like this before.

For me, Angel Corps should stay away from Kendal because nothing positive can come from them being here.


Ferb Steel

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