Clink Tock: Police Issue First Clockwork Arrest Warrant

October 3, 1906 ·

The police have issued arrest warrants for the prime suspects in the murder of a man last month at The Den, in London’s East End.

The suspects have been named as Mei Mei, and Ming Cho, both Clocks working at the establishment, and belonging to its proprietor Christopher Hargreaves.

This is the first arrest of its kind, and police are appealing to members of the public for assistance in apprehending the suspects who have no fixed address, or paperwork. The investigation has also been plagued by delays over procedure, with Clockwork Watch claiming the case was their jurtisdiction.

It’s not sure how the police will locate and identify the two suspects, as many of the Clockworks were imported into the country before the government’s new registration laws came into effect.

A growing black market in Clockwork ‘re-skinning’ techniques which changes the appearance of the devices, could also make it hard to apprehend Mei Mei, and Ming Cho. The process alters the appearance of Clockwork beyond recognition, while a program jailbreak would make them a different machine altogether.

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