Tomorrow’s World… Today! the controversial science expo held in London this month, has attracted the support of an esteemed Indian Scientist who will be helping to develop the project.
Chan Ranbir, Head Scientist at the Calcutta University is on a visit to London with his family, and has been in talks with the Department for the Advancement of Sciences. He has worked in the field of Clockwork Mechanics for several years, and believes he can “breathe some life” into the project.
Scientists are not saying when the first model will be ready for testing, but work on the project may be disrupted by workers threatened to down tools over fears about job security.
A photograph leaked to the London Gazette shows a fully structured mechanical torso – far more advanced than the model on display at the expo.
In an exclusive interview published in this paper last week, Lady Frobisher Pilbeam – Emissary to the Queen – tried to address some of the concerns by saying “They (clockworks) should only be used to perform tasks for which human beings are unsuitable”, but the shroud of secrecy surrounding work at the Department is causing concerns across the country.
London Gazette expects a strong response to the news from the trade union representing the workforce at the department.