
March 8, 1885 ·

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The Clock Issue: Lady Frobisher Pilbeam Explains

  LADY FROBISHER PILBEAM EMISSARY TO HER MAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIA Her Majesty's Emissary to Science the Honorable Lady Forbisher Pilbeam, was at the Tomorrow's World… Today! event in London, where she held court with people concerned about recent developments at…
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The Department for the Advancement of Sciences grand expo "Tomorrow's World… Today" kicked off with a bang on Monday, as anxious delegates waited to get a glimpse of what is being heralded as the first 'mechanical man'. Lady Frobisher Addresses…
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New By-Law Makes Fog Signals Compulsory in London

Under London's new Conservancy By-laws relating to every steam vessel, when the steam is up, and vessel is under way, shall in all cases of fog use as a signal a steam whistle, which shall be sounded at least every…
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Reader's Letter: Choas Reigns In London's East End

Mayhems All, Minutes from our Post-Curfew briefing have now been encrypted and will make their ways to your districts with the next Twilight Drop. You will also all be given updates on the Sifter Redelopment being researched in colaboration with…
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Life in The Den: Business as Usual?

While on most given days I would be as inclined to trust that spiv, Hargreaves about as far as I could throw him; it does appear he has a rather apt imagination well suited to the world of hospitality and…
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Special Report: Uneasy Clock Musings

The most perplexing turn of events concerns the overnight return of the Clockwork Project. I can envisage my peers clamoring to get their dirty mitts on these new Clocks this very moment. If reports are to believed, the new units…