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October 13, 1911 ·

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Turmoil at High Flying Estate Agency

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Kendal Rocked By Angels...

Angel Corps at the War Memorial Angel Corps "Squadron 108" came to town with a bang on Saturday, reaching out to locals and lightening up a grey rainy day. Rank and file of the squadron's advance party took to the streets…
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Reader's Letter: Choas Reigns In London's East End

Mayhems All, Minutes from our Post-Curfew briefing have now been encrypted and will make their ways to your districts with the next Twilight Drop. You will also all be given updates on the Sifter Redelopment being researched in colaboration with…
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The Clock Issue: Lady Frobisher Pilbeam Explains

  LADY FROBISHER PILBEAM EMISSARY TO HER MAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIA Her Majesty's Emissary to Science the Honorable Lady Forbisher Pilbeam, was at the Tomorrow's World… Today! event in London, where she held court with people concerned about recent developments at…
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Angels To The Rescue

A detachment of Her Majesty's Angel Corps, is on its way to Asia to protect vessels travelling along the trade routes, after several ships were hijacked by pirates operating in the area. The all female regiment is believed to have…
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Scientists at a government department have denied claims that they are "playing God" by carrying out research into the feasibility of creating a "fully functioning, self aware" automaton. The Department for the Advancement of Sciences issued a statement last night…