Waiting For Salvation, Machine Liberation Front Roars to Life!

November 1, 1906 ·

The Machine Liberation Front (MLF), an organisation representing all Clockwork Servants has published a manifesto demanding equal rights for all automatons.

The lengthy document calls for an end to “oppression and to end forever the murderous attacks, the slavery, the degradation, and humiliation”.

A Clock called Sebastian, who claims to speak for the organisation, says the MLF was responsible for an incident that happened at a venue called The Den in London, where a man was drowned, and another seriously injured.

The document goes on to state that “The Clockwork of today, by and large, is no different from your average human being,” and warns that science will soon make them indistinguishable from all humans.

There has been no response from Clockwork Watch, or the government, but church leaders are concerned that the lines between Clock and human are blurred, and that society may be on the edge of a cataclysm of biblical proportions.

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