Strike Poster

July 14, 1885 ยท

In category:Local Happenings
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Trade Unionists Take Fight For Jobs To Latitude Festival

Demonstration gets support from Occupy Latitude   Jack Ludd, Trade Union Journalist addresses rally   Crowds at rally, listening to Trade Unionists   Extra! Extra!!! We will be publishing a special report on the strike and the new Department for…
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Jack Ludd, Trade Unionist, Speaks Out

Friends, Events of the last few days have moved at such speed that I am having trouble keeping up with 'em. I am in transit at present so this note will appraise you of the situation but not much of…
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Readers Letter: Dismayed by the hostility

Ladies and Gentlemen, I must admit I find myself perplexed and indeed somewhat dismayed by the show of hostility that the scientific community appears to have engendered with its latest advance. Change is coming... The creation of a tireless labourer…
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Reader's Letters: The Aesthetics' Point of View 2

The Marquess Mallen and his family summoned me to clarify on my last statement. Thusly I will write several further statements from the perspective of The Aesthetics, each one punctiliously addressed to every dignitary respectively. Respondence to The Most Honourable:…
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Missing Girl is Viscount's Daughter

The mother and young daughter missing from a country estate in Buckinghamshire, are believed to be the ex-lover and daughter of Viscount Adderley. The police want to question the peer about the disappearance, but his whereabouts are unknown, and his…
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