Union For The Casual Labourer Publishes Manifesto

June 1, 1885 ยท

In category:Main News
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Readers Letter: Dismayed by the hostility

Ladies and Gentlemen, I must admit I find myself perplexed and indeed somewhat dismayed by the show of hostility that the scientific community appears to have engendered with its latest advance. Change is coming... The creation of a tireless labourer…
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Reader's Letter: The Fightback Begins

Indeed we live in truly interesting times: in a hitherto inconceivable intellectual coup we, former competitors, have rallied to clear the skies. Between our organisations we have simplified respirator manufacture, perfected exhaust filter technology and made promising progress in finding…
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Illegality Thrives In Clockwork Underworld

llegality thrives in what has been named the "Clockwork Underworld" - one of the No-Go zones in London's East End, according to a special investigation by the London Gazette. In one area, an unlicensed establishment called The Den dedicates itself…
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Hodgson's Beer Shipment Hijacked

Pirates have hijacked several shipments of Hodgson's "Indian Pale Ale" en route to Asia. It is not known where the incident took place, nor whether it was by sky or sea piracy. The drink, favoured by expatriates and locals around…
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Readers Letters: Common Travels Made Impossible

It's the end of the week, and I have yet to travel back to my fragile mother's house. My father and I remain patient while waiting for this fog to reduce in viscosity and thickness. However, he has grown tired…