Reader’s Letter: Industry Moves To Save The Country

March 28, 1906 ·

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Firstly let me take the opportunity on behalf of myself and RM to thank all of you thus far your steadfastness, your creativity and your tenacity. You are all truly inspiring.

Following the Government’s radical reaction to the nationwide rioting we have come to the decision to shuffle the Division’s objectives accordingly:

As Mr Stevenson’s representation in town, RM and EM are to receive Curfew Waivers. Henceforth RM and EM shall endeavour to remain as mobile as possible throughout the inner boroughs. They shall act as courier, envoy and scout post sunset.

Do not see this as an opportunity to take liberties or you may find yourself stripped of your commission.

You have been warned.

Clock-assigned Mayhems are to refocus their energies on the application of air filtration and/or conversion at both domestic and industrial levels. As ever, any patents filed must be under the CBS umbrella.

Fog development continues as a priority. KM (Whitechapel) and EM to act as sole points of contact Those involved in revenue generation are to continue as appropriate and explore alternative streams of income.

N-recruitment and maintenance to move into Phase 2. Proxies to proceed with caution.

There will be a general briefing in HQ tomorrow morning 9am. If it pleases you, consider today a holiday.

Keep your heads down, Ladies and Gentlemen:

Èisd ri gaoth nam beann gus an traogh na h-uisgeachan.


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